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JSU Online | Jackson State University > Getting Started Information

Getting Started Information

Welcome to Jackson State University Online! 作为一名新生,我们知道开始上大学可能会有点难以承受. 这就是为什么我们把这个“入门”指南放在一起,帮助你度过最初的几周.

  1. 入职培训:参加强制性的入职培训,了解学校的资源, policies, and services. 你也将有机会认识其他新生和在校生.

  2. 了解你的教授:利用教授的办公时间去了解他们,问一些你可能有的问题.

  3. 照顾好自己:记住照顾好自己的身体和精神. 这所大学提供各种资源来支持学生的福祉, including counseling services and health services.


The JSU Difference

JSU是一个激励你成长、学习和超越平凡的环境. 这是一个“家外之家”,每个学生都能在学业上找到自己的位置, socially, and culturally.
美国历史上最好的黑人学院和大学之一(HBCU), JSU提供了一种自我发现和分享经验的文化,在这种文化中,学生能够在一个充满挑战但又充满培育的环境中培养强烈的自我意识,从而使他们能够获得个人和职业上的成功.

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Getting Started Information


All students must complete the Canvas Student Online Orientation 在参加他们的第一个在线、混合或网络课程之前.  Students will be introduced to Canvas components, learn how to submit assignments, take quizzes and exams, view grades, use the discussion board, send emails, 并学习其他可能帮助他们成功完成在线课程的元素.

Click here to register for the Canvas Student Online Orientation.


NetID Instructions

需要NetID才能访问Canvas和其他大学计算机实验室.  (请选择一个你会记住的NetID,不会轻易被黑.) You cannot proceed until this step has been completed.

Step 1.  From the JSU Home Page login to JSU P.A.W.S.

Step 2.   登录后,在主菜单中选择“激活NetID,更改NetID密码”.

Step 3. Create and confirm a new password that is at least seven (7) characters long and similar to one of the following examples:

  • Tiger09
  • tiger@09
  • t1ger09
  • tiger09!

**注意:您的密码必须包含字母和数字的组合. 它必须包含至少一个大写字母或符号(例如: &, * @, #).

Step 4. Accessing the Canvas Learning Management System

To login to Canvas, go to and click on Canvas at the top of the window.


Or, click on the Canvas link above and then click Canvas Login.



Step 5. 输入您的用户名,即您的J- number(大写字母J)和密码(输入您的NetID),您在上面的步骤1中设置.



Step 6. Press Login.

Please note that you will see ALL enrolled courses in your account (online and traditional).

If you need further assistance with Canvas ONLY contact JSU Canvas Help Desk at either (601) 979-0245.

Canvas Technical Requirements

这里列出了一些可以使用Canvas的操作系统和浏览器, 我们强烈建议使用以下浏览器之一:Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser, especially for taking tests.


在你的个人电脑上安装多个浏览器是个好主意. 很多时候,你在网上遇到的问题可以通过从一个浏览器切换到另一个浏览器来解决.




Although officially Canvas supports Internet Explorer/Edge, it DOES NOT work well with Canvas! You will experience many problems if you use this browser. These problems include:

  • course content not opening correctly or showing up at all
  • 提交作业问题(它会说文件提交了,但实际上没有提交)
  • not being able to submit quizzes and exams

当使用Canvas时,Firefox, Chrome(或Mac用户的Safari)是最好的选择.

What Internet Browser am I using? Check to see what browser you are using!

Go to and check the “Browser” box to see which browser you are using.

Browser Plug-Ins

插件是Internet浏览器的附加组件,它将使您的计算机与Canvas和您的在线课程所需的其他程序正常工作. 要使用Canvas的所有功能,您需要拥有计算机所需的所有插件.

Below is a list of plug-ins. 如果你在你的个人电脑上点击相应的链接去它的网站下载和安装它. 如果你用的是大学、图书馆或工作用的电脑,你可以跳过这一部分.

Plug-in What does it do? Where to download?

Adobe Flash

The majority of Web videos in Canvas are in Flash.

重要:安装Adobe Flash时,请确保在第一页上取消选中McAfee的可选优惠!!

Adobe Reader


重要:安装Adobe Flash时,请确保在第一页上取消选中McAfee的可选优惠!!



注意:随着Google Chrome release 45的发布,Java不再被支持. 如果你正在使用Chrome并且需要Java,你可能会考虑改用Firefox.

如果您在正确设置计算机时遇到困难, you can call the IT HelpDesk at (601) 979-2069.




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Office Phone: 601.979.0779

E-Fax Number: 601.979.9331